Saturday, February 12, 2011

A Night in the Hospital

How do you like to spend your Friday nights? Go to a movie? Go out to dinner? Spend time with friends? Well Sabrina thinks I like to spend my Friday nights in the hospital. ha ha Well it's not really her fault, let me explain.

Yesterday was a normal Friday, I worked until 4:00 but after work I needed to go to the doctors office to have some bloodwork re-done because earlier this week my doctor noticed my blood pressure was high so naturally he tested me for preeclampsia. My inital bloodwork was inconclusive hence why I was going back on Friday after work to perform the test again. Anyways...

On the way to the doctor I realized my feet and legs were feeling really puffy and uncomfortable, and my hands and arms were looking a little more swollen than normal. I didn't think anything of it, thought it was normal swelling. Ran in had my blood drawn and went home. When I got home my feet and legs were so swollen they hurt! I took a bath to try and relax, and then layed down on the couch with my feet propped up and a big glass of water, trying to help the swelling go down. I sent a tex mesage to my sister telling her what was going on and she urged me to call the doctor, reluctantly I did.

My doctor was not on call, so another doctor in the practice talked to me and immediately told me to go to the hospital to get checked out. We headed to OB Triage around 9:30 they checked me in, and took my blood pressue, it was high. So they set me up to be monitored for a while. My blood pressure fluctuated most of the night and was on average just a tad high, they ran blood work (YAY 2nd time getting poked in one day!) The tests do not show any signs of preeclampsia and my bloodpressure was slowly lowering and regulating closer to normal. So they sent me home around 1:00am.

The OB on call ordered my to bedrest for the weekend and to call my own doctor on Monday to see what he wants to do next. I am anticipating that he may keep me on bedrest and keep a close eye on me until I deliver. I am hoping to avoid being induced if I can so I am trying to make sure I stay relaxed and keep my blood pressure down. I have complete faith that I will go into labor on my own if I am allowed because I have been having contractions for a while and even lastnight in the hosptial they verified that I was contracting, just not regularly. And when they checked me I was ALMOST 2 cm dilated and 75% effaced. So I know my body can do this... For now the plan is to rest and relax...... and wait.

1 comment:

  1. Try to enjoy your weekend on bedrest, you'll be plenty busy soon enough! I think it's great that you want to avoid being induced. Sabrina will know the best time to come out. I can't wait to meet her. :)
